Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 9 #20 Take two

I believe that now everyone will be able to view the video I chose last night. It is titled An Incredible Horse and features Stacy Westfall. Yesterday, I spoke about why I liked this video. First, the horsemanship Stacy exhibits is amazing. Second, the communication and trust between horse and rider is a beautiful example of how animals and people can rely upon one another. Last, I love the music Tim McGraw composes and sings. I realize he may not write every song, but the message in this song is inspirational. I like that Stacy chose this song to honor her father.


LibraryStrong said...

I did enjoy the YouTube you selected. Not knowing anything about riding, it looked like a combination of voice commands and the way she stroked the horse's mane. Is that right?

Diane said...

Actually, it is more the commands coming through her legs and seat that helps to guide the horse. I'm sure she also uses her voice to reassure and provide some verbal signals. I believe the stroking of the mane does reassure as well as provide Stacy with something to hold on to during some of the sliding stops they performed.