Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4 Thing # 8

I have just completed an easy RSS feed. I found this technology so much easier to use and work with than the previous Flickr lesson. I like that there are so many choices in feeds to join and many feeds on topics of interest to me personally.

I already began to subscribe to feeds on a science topic that our students will be studying in the near future. I'm sure our technology savvy science teacher probably already subscribes to RSS, but if not, I can't wait to show him how easy it will be to keep track of the latest updates on stem cell research. I also would love to work with students online over the summer on their reading and pointing them to the latest literature. If I can set up communication through an RSS linking, this would be awesome. I'm not sure this is the best venue for this but it could be part of the equation this summer.

I have to explore more and play with how to get students working and participating online as was mentioned in the article by Will Richardson. I feel that I have much to learn and many RSS links to explore. I would love the iPod feed if my computer would support it. I am going to have to invest in a new computer very soon.

I would love to see our teachers who work on Global Education play with RSS links to enable students to find links that will help them with their Trade Conferences. I think they would find this very valuable and interesting to work with. They could even have students participate in online conversations, or at the very least find up-to-date articles on the various topics. Teachers can set up accounts and help guide students research using the RSS tool. We are currently working on adding pieces to our online catalog when maybe we can make use of the RSS feeds and direct students to great links on the internet, for FREE.

I can't wait to share this with the staff. I just need to become better informed so that I make sense to them when describing RSS and its value.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Week 3 Thing #7

Has anyone purchased or used a webcam? We are looking into this technology to promote global education and I haven't worked with, or even investigated webcams. If you know of a reputable dealer, good brand or have recommendations on webcams I would appreciate hearing from you.

Also, along the lines of the webcam we are looking for schools in various parts of the world who would like to work along side a middle school grades 7-8. We would like to hook up via a webcam and work with students in other countries. Does anyone know of a school or group in another section of the world who'd like to do the same? We'd like to get to know more about the country, penpals via webcam, how similar and different we all are.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 3 #6

I enjoyed checking out the variety of trading cards librarians had created. If I had more staff in my library it would be fun to create trading cards to introduce ourselves to the students. However, I am thinking it would be a fun activity to involve the seventh grade staff in during our scavenger hunt where everyone meets the parents, students and staff before the start of school.

I was also impressed with the descriptions librarians used to describe themselves. They were very inventive, creative and used many positive adjectives to describe themselves. One of my fav's was the librarian dressed as a super hero.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Library Buddy

Week 3 Thing #5

This is the real black lab that accompanies me to the library. She enjoys her time at the library although she never completely relaxes.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 2 Thing 4

I believe that I have successfully logged my blog. I sent the address to Kathy and so all of you should be able to read my insights.

Has anyone read the book, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen? I highly recommend this book if you have a parent in assisted living, love the circus and want to know more about life in the 1920's through present day.
What were your first impressions? Did you understand the desire to run away and join the circus?

Week 2 Thing 3

I had a lot of fun creating an Avatar. I am amazed at all of the options available. I am frustrated though that the hairstyles will change with some hats instead of just placing the hat on my avatar. I have three different avatars and my first one is not the one shown on my blog. I thought that I should look a little more professional than I did in a Hawaiian outfit, even though my name is beachreader. My students thought that I should post the avatar in the Hawaiian dress. I'll see if I can find shoes for her.

I found that the directions for exporting the avatar were not as straight forward as I thought they would be. I was thrilled to see that I actually succeeded in exporting her. There is hope in being patient and asking for help.

It took me several days to get the courage to post anything in my blog. It also took me a few days to realize I hadn't actuall set up an account like I thought I had. I did figure this out today and now here I am posting all my struggles. I know that there are probably many people who have no problem with this, but I've found that I've fallen behind in the latest technolgy and if I don't want to become a dinosaur, I need to get out there and experiment. Being positive, I won't become extinct.

Week 1 Thing 2

Well, I found the 71/2 Habits to be interesting and informative.

I believe my easiest habit will be Habit 2: accepting responsibility for my own learning. I enjoy taking classes and when I am challenged and have to work at learning, I find that I am much more invested in what I'm learning. I also find that I have to work through my frustrations and remember to breathe when things don't seem to be "going my way."

The hardest habit will be Habit 4: having the confidence in myself. I tend not to use positive words when working on learning new things. If I struggle, I think it is because I'm being stupid, or that I can't do it and am I insane for putting myself through the whole process. I know this goes back to my kindergarten years and how I have always been insecure in myself. I am going to have to work hard to be more postive with myself and to think positively while learning. Past experience has shown me that I can learn and achieve my goals.