Thursday, March 27, 2008

#23 Week 9

I have put off ending the course. I still have to revisit the Wiki piece to try and play in the sandbox.

I experienced so many new technologies and at times I felt really stupid as I struggled to complete the tasks. However, I will continue to revisit this class as I feel I need to continue working and honing my skills. This class time flew by and I wasn't ever bored, although I will admit to frustration. With the help of my technology guru, the supporters in this class (thank you to all who posted comments)and my perseverance I feel accomplished.

I have found my way back to our 23 Things thanks to those of you who helped me with the address. I can't wait to check out and respond to more of your blogs. I did respond once until I lost the address, hopefully those who commented on mine did see that I replied.

One of my favorite lessons was the one on Wikis. I never put two and two together, that Wikipedia is a wiki and that we had the capability to create our own. I saw some beautiful wikis and have spoken to staff about using this forum to involve students in a variety of capacities: book discussions, class review/discussion and creating lessons online.

Thanks to Kathy for being a moderator and bringing the 23 Things to Massachusetts. I truly learned while I completed the exercises. I will be looking for more classes in the future. Thank you to those who pursued the graduate credits! I can really use the credits and received approval either eay it went.

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