Sunday, January 13, 2008

Week 1 Thing 2

Well, I found the 71/2 Habits to be interesting and informative.

I believe my easiest habit will be Habit 2: accepting responsibility for my own learning. I enjoy taking classes and when I am challenged and have to work at learning, I find that I am much more invested in what I'm learning. I also find that I have to work through my frustrations and remember to breathe when things don't seem to be "going my way."

The hardest habit will be Habit 4: having the confidence in myself. I tend not to use positive words when working on learning new things. If I struggle, I think it is because I'm being stupid, or that I can't do it and am I insane for putting myself through the whole process. I know this goes back to my kindergarten years and how I have always been insecure in myself. I am going to have to work hard to be more postive with myself and to think positively while learning. Past experience has shown me that I can learn and achieve my goals.

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